coffee calculator

chord progression generator

generate with

capital letters mean the tone is on the next octave.

the pitch numbers are relative to the lowest c. (they're averages of all the chords' frequencies, converted back to semitones. if the difference between two adjacent chords is too much, the progression sounds too prominent.)

it uses every tone, to reinforce the mode.

music time converter

note length
time signature
frames per second

one of those things i always think is a pain in the ass for some reason. useful for mickey mousing. you can type fractions for note lengths, but if it isn't a fraction it'll assume you mean 1/n. (ie "4" is read as a 1/4 note)

trig speed calculator

type in two dimensions and the hypotenuse the third should create, and it'll give you the third dimension. meant to be used quickly, for use in character animation.